Janice La Fontaine
I am a Certified Integrative Nutrition Health Coach and AIP (Autoimmune Paleo) Certified Coach with a focus in family wellness.
Being a mom of 3 kids, I am passionate about supporting and encouraging fellow moms to live a life that’s not only healthy and well, but THRIVING, while influencing the next generation to do the same. Moms play a tremendous role in the health of their families so I come alongside them to equip them with the information and tools they need to set them up for a life of optimal health and wellness.
In working with Carnation Farms, I believe that together, we can help change the health of America one family at a time by providing moms and families with fun, hands-on activities and events at the farm that equip them with great knowledge and training so they gain nutritional literacy, opportunities to connect with others in the community and work towards environmental stewardship for years to come.
My husband and I live in Redmond, WA (soon to be Carnation- in 2 wks!) with 2 of our kids (the other has now flown the nest) and our English mastiff.